Thursday, November 19, 2009

Acne Skin Care Tips How To Prevent Acne?

Acne Skin Care Tips How To Prevent Acne?

Acne! It is probably the most irritating and disturbing skin condition that affects people from all walks of life and nationalities. It even has no age barrier. From the age of puberty right up past adulthood, it can still plague you. Despite the available treatments, this problem is here to stay and that occurs precisely because of a lack of understanding of how acne forms, how to prevent or even how to get rid of it. In fact most creams or drugs only treat the symptoms but do not get to the root of the problem.

Therefore i advocate staying away from creams and drugs. In fact these are only temporary solutions. To counteract and get rid of acne, one can use a variety of methods that naturally get rid of acne and here are some tips you can follow.

It helps to clean your face regularly. I would advocate cleaning your face at least twice a day. If you wish you may want to find out more about Nano cleansing which cleans your skin up to 5-10 times as deep as most cleansing agents such as facial creams. You can make natural face mask out of natural every day food products. For example, one can pound mint and make it into a paste. This paste has a soothing and cleansing effect on your skin.

Do not squeeze your pimples: In fact when you pop a pimple, you are spreading pus and latent bacteria over the surface of your skin and this leads to further breakout. Your dermatologist would not tell you this.